Attendance Codes

Revised:  11/2020


Attendance codes are used when recording employee absences and paying substitutes. The following steps show how to add/edit attendance codes.


1.  Select Master File and Code Entry Options

2.  Select Master File Vertical Data Entry and Changes

3.  Entry Options: Select Attendance Codes



    Attendance Code:  Enter Attendance Code

    Description:  Enter Attendance Description

    Attendance Category:  Enter Attendance Category A, V, P or numbers 1-9.  See link for additional detail when using attendance category code:!Documents/attendancecategory.htm

    Acct Group Default:  Enter Account Group Default Code.  See link for additional detail when using accout group default code:!Documents/accountgroupdefault.htm

    Use Empl Acct for Sub YN:  If the Default Account is defined in Employee Master, determine if you wish to use this account for substitute assigned

    Employee Can Request YN:  Employees can request the absence through employee portal

    Request can exceed available YN:  Employees can exceed amount of days/hours awarded to them

    Allowed Attendance Deficit:  Days/hours allowed to exceed

    Active YN:  Activate/Inactivate Attendance Code

    EIS Reportable YN (Illinois only):  Determine if the Attendance code is EIS reportable 


Adding a new Attendance Code


1.  Select Add to add a record



2.  Complete all fields; Absence Code, Description, etc.

3.  Select Saveto save


Editting an Attendance Code:


1.  Select Attendance Code



2.  Make needed changes

3.  Select Save to save.