Audit Control Options:  Change Activity Entry Dates

Revised:  9/2022


*Please send a backup of your data to SDS BEFORE changing the activity date. Instructions in link below.

File Transfer – Send Database File to SDS (

If an incorrect date is selected while processing an Accounts Payable check with the Expense Entry or Check Date Adjustment, a Cash Receipt or a Journal Entry,  this area will provide the ability to adjust the date once the item has been made permanent


1.  Select General Ledger Processing

2.  Select Financial Month & Auditor Control

3.  Select Activate Auditor Control Options

4.  Select Change Activity Entry Dates

5.  Select Type:  Disbursements (A/P) Expense Entry, Disbursements (A/P Check Date Adjustment, Cash Receipt or Misc. Journal Entry.


Select the Entry Date to change

1.  Month to Work With: Month, Year void expensed to

2.  Activity Date: from drop down list select the activity date the void was processed to.

3.  Control Using: Batch # or Check Date/Receipt#/Trans#

4.  Change Control Info: Select Batch #

5.  View New Date (Month/Year): click binoculars to view/confirm this is the transaction to change.  Select the item(s) on which you want to change the date.



6.  View New Date (Month/Year): Select month & Year to re-post activity to

7.  Day: Will default to 1st unless you define a different day with the selected month, year.

8.  Apply requested Date Change: Click blue right arrow to complete change request.