Basic Finance Processing Step by Step Outline

Revised:  2/2020


Basic Finance Processing


The following step by step basic finance process will lead you through modules relating to monthly processing.  Each step will tell you which items to select as you move through the each date entry area.  Please make any notes you need as you work through your monthly processesl.


Items to Review


1.  Master File Code Entry Options

A.  Select Master File Vertical or Master File Horizontal entry view

B.  Select Entry View selection needed for adjustments

C.  Select Save when completed with changes.


2.  Purchasing

A.  Select Request for Purchase Entry and Changes

1.  Select Vendor

2.  Select New Request

a. Current/Next Year option may need to be selected

3.  Order For:  Select from list

4.  Select Group from drop down selection

5.  Verify Ship to Information, adjust if needed

6.  Enter details of Requestisition

a.  Qty:  Quanity

b.  Price:  Item Price

c.  U of M:  Units of Measure

d.  Item:  Item number

e.  Item Description

f.   Account Number

7.  Hit Enter key, Select Add a Line or Select Save and Contiue

8.  When completed, Select Save and Exit

B.  Purchase Request Authorization

1.  Select the Request to authorize

2.  Select Authorized if Checked

C.  Purchase Order Production

1.  View Purchase Order(s)

2.  Export Report to Message Center

3.  Print Report

D.  Make Purchase Orders Permanent

1.  Select Purchase Orders

2.  Preview Purchase Orders

3.  Post to Selected Ledger


3.  Accounts Payable

A.  Select Disbursement Accounts Payable Entry

1.  Leave at Current Month or choose Next Month

2.  Select Vendor or type in PO number

3.  Enter Account Number (filled in if using PO)

a.    Cash Override (If applicable)

4.  Amount (filled in if using PO)

5.  Invoice Date

6.  Invoice #

7.  Description (if different than account description)

8.  Batch #

9.  Select Pay

B.  Print Accounts Payable Report

1.  General Accounting Reports

a.    Accounts Payable Group

b.    Open Accounts Payable

c.    Set Calendar Dates

d.    Choose “A “ under A/P or Disbursement Categories

e.    Review

*The same report can also be accessed from the Disbursement Entry screen under “A/P Reports”.

C.  Check/Voucher Processing

1.  Choose Payment Type

2.  Choose Month Selection

3.  Choose which Invoice Selection

4.  Choose disbursements to pay (right)

5.  Select Refresh to see list of Vendors

6.  Select a Check Date on the Calendar

7.  Starting Check Number

8.  Check Format

9.  Signature (if applicable)

10. Select Print Display Checks

11. Export to Message Center

12. Print Checks

13. Close Print Check Report

14. Close Message Center tab

D.  Make Checks Permanent (Post to Ledger)

1. Select Month

2. Select Type

3. Choose Check Reconciliation Area

4. Select Checks to post

5. Post Selected Ledger


4.  Cash Receipt Processing

A.  Cash Receipts (change Deposit # for each deposit)

1.  Choose Show Only Current Deposit (bottom)

2.  Enter Account Number

3.  Cash Override (If applicable)

4.  Amount

5.  Receipt Date (Deposit Date)

6.  Description (if different than account description)

7.  Enter

8.  Continue making entries until you get to the deposit total

9.  Change the Deposit # on each of the following entries

B.  Print Cash Receipt Reports

1.    General Accounting Reports

a.    Finance Activity Group

b.    Cash Receipt Edit List

c.    Review

*The same report can also be accessed on the Cash Receipt entry screen under “Finance Activity Reports”

C.   Make Cash Receipts Permanent (Post to Ledger)

1.    Choose Month

2.    Choose Reconciliation Area

3.    Select Receipts to post

4.    Post Selected Ledger


5.  Journal Entry Processings

A.   General Ledger Processing and Entry Options

B.   Ledger Transaction Entry and Changes

1.    Select Fund

2.    Select Journal Source

3.    Month defaults to current down arrow to change if needed

4.    Select New Transaction

5.    Enter Account

6.    Enter Amount (use – for a credit entry)

7.    Description

8.    Select Add or Hit Enter

9.    Enter next Account Number

10.  Amount

11.  Description

12.  Select Add or Hit Enter

13.  Make entries until the transaction balances

14.  Select New Transaction for the next one

15.  Follow above steps

C.   Reports

D.   General Accounting Reports

1.    Finance Activity Group

2.    Transaction Balance Report (Dr Cr Format)

3.    Set Calendar Dates

4.    Select Auto Answer


§ Entry Order

§ Unlocked Only

§ Print Transaction Detail information


5.    Review Report

a.    Only Print Transactions Greater than Zero

*The same report can also be accessed on the Ledger Transaction entry screen under “Finance Activity Reports”

E.   Make New Transactions Permanent

1.  Select Month

2.  If a cash account is part of the journal entry and is NOT a bank reconciling item, uncheck “Post Cash to Check Reconciliation”

3.  Check transactions to post

4.  Post Selected Ledger


6.  Finance Month End

A.   Verify all Data has been made Permanent

B.   Print General Accounting Reports

C.   Reports

1.    General Accounting Reports

2.    Choose Report Group

3.    Choose Report

4.    Set the Calendar Dates

5.    Preview Report

6.    Print/Save

a.    Accounts Payable (Bills) Check Register

b.    Accounts Payable (Bills) Check Register (Fund Summary)

c.    Accounts Payable (Bills) Paid Accounts Payable by Vendor

d.    Finance Activity Reports Cash Receipt Edit List

e.    Finance Activity Reports Cash Receipt Edit List (Fund Summary)


7.  Financial Reports

A.   Choose Report

1.    Set Calendar Date

2.    Preview Report

3.    Print/Save

a.    Balance Sheet

b.    Revenue Report

c.    Expenditure Report

d.    Cash Report


8.  Check Reconciliation

A.   General Ledger Processing

B.   Select Check Reconciliation

1.    Select Check Group

2.    Input Statement ENDING Date using the Calendar

3.    Clear bank items

4.    Run Cleared Check Report (top to fthe screen from drop down)

a.    Verify total matches the bank cleared checks

5.    Difference should be 0.00

a.    If off, look in areas suggested in the Check Reconciliation documentation in Finance Help

                          Note:  Check Reconciliation can be completed after moving to the next month and is not mandatory.


9.  Moving to the Next Month

A.   General Ledger Processing

1.    Finance Month and Audit Control Option

2.    Next to Change the Accounting Default Month, choose the month you are moving into

3.    Select Change Accounting Month