Employee Fringe Benefit Expense Account Override

Revised:  4/2021


Employee fringe benefits follow the salary expense accounts unless a benefit expense account override is defined. An example of this would be when a grant will only allow the salary expense to be posted to that specific grant. Therefore, the benefits that are created from this salary account have to be posted to a different expense account. To have these benefits post to a specific account follow the below instructions.

1.  Select Human Resources or Payroll Processing

2.  Select Employees, Contracts, Deductions, etc.

3.  Entry View Group: Leave on All Entry Views or select Benefits & Deductions

4.  Entry Views: Employee Fringe Benefits Expense Account Override

5.  Select Employee to setup benefit account override



6.  Select Edit

7.  Enter account number to be expensed

8.  Select Save



9.  The override account will be listed