Items to consider before Opening a Payroll

Revised:  4/2021


1.  Complete all Deduction and Benefit Master additions or changes:!Documents/humanresourcescontrolcenterdeductionsbenefitsmaster1.htm


2.  Update Employee Master records

Ø Add, Change Employee Information option  (Ex: changing W4 withholding status)!Documents/addchangeemployeeinformation1.htm


Ø Employee Contract:  Update employee contracts!Documents/enteringanemployeecontract1.htm


Deactivate Payroll:  If payroll has been activated/opened, you will need to Deactivate the opened payroll.  Complete employee contract changes to be reflected in new payroll activation.




3.  Employee Attendance:  If employee attendance is to be entered with timecards auto created, verify this information has been entered. (Detail for Sick, Personal and Vacation days used)

See below link for adding attendance data with a substitute:!Documents/enteringemployeeabsenceandcreatingatimecardforthesubstitute.htm


o  See below link for adding attendance without substitute:!Documents/enteringemployeeabsencewithoutasubstitutetimecard.htm


o  See below link for editing/deleting attendance entries:!Documents/editingdeletingandattendanceentry.htm


3.  When using Employee Portal, if any new employees have been added since last payroll, complete the process of Mass Creating Employee Portal users to add new employees..

See below link for adding new employees to the Employee Portal:

   default.aspx?pageid=employees_not_setup_in_employee_look___browse_=_(total)_message_in_payroll_close&SearchHighlight=employee Look & Browse