Recurring Accounts Payable

Revised:  5/2021


The Recurring Accounts Payable transaction entry must be entered and completed first.  See link for additional step by step instructions on this process:!Documents/recurringaccountspayable2.htm


1.  Select General Ledger Processing and Entry Options

2.  Select Transfer Payroll Data and Recurring Entries

3.  Select Recurring Accounts Payable

4.  Check items to Transfer/Activate:  Select AP Batch



5.  Select Calendar dates:

a.  Select Expense On Date:  This date will determine which month the recurring entries will be posted to

b.  Select Invoice Date:  Select Invoice Date for recurring entries

c.  Select Due Date:  Select Due Date to be posted to

6.  Edit Amounts Before Transfer:  Select if the Recurring Entries need to be edited prior to transfer.



7.  If you wish to change all batch numbers, invoice numbers for all items recurring



a.  Enter a Batch # Override:  Enter new Batch number

b.  Enter a Inv/Ref# Override:  Enter new Invoice or Reference number

c.  Chage All Batch #’s:  Select if you wish to change all invoice/Reference numbers, listed below

d.  Chage All Inv/Ref #’s:  Select if you wish to change all Invoice/Reference numbers, listed below

8.  Update Invoice fields, as needed



a.  Amount:  Enter Amount

b.  Description:  Enter Description

c.  Batch#:  Enter Batch number

d.  Inv/Ref#:  Enter invoice or reference number

e.  1099 YN:  Enter Y or N for 1099 vendor

f.   Select “Refresh Total”, verify detail listed



9.  Select the Transfer Edited Transactions



10. The Recurring Accounts Payable invoices are now in Disbursements/Accounts Payable entry view to process.