Settings for PO's in Current Fiscal Year or Next Fiscal Year

Revised:  4/2021


To adjust the Current/Next Fiscal Year settings, complete the steps below:


1.  Select Administrative Utilities

2.  Select SDS Web Office Settings

3.  Under the Purchasing tab; PO Current/Next Year; Select the setting needed: “U” for the User to determine, “C” for Current Fiscal Year requests only, “N” for Next Fiscal Year requests only



4.  Select save changes.

5.  Log out of the system to activate the new settings

6.  Log back into the system.


If your web office setting is “U”, the user can determine which Fiscal Year to select from:


If your web office setting is “C”, the Current Fiscal Year is automatically selected:


If your web office setting is “N”, the Next Fiscal Year is automatically selected: