View & Export


Revised:  7/2020


1.   Select Reports

2.   Select General Accounting Reports

3.   1 Select a Report Group: i.e. Vendor and Order For

4.   2 Select a Report: i.e. Vendor Master List (1 Lines)



5.   Select View & Export

6.   A new window will display




a.   1 Available Fields for Quick View:

i. All specific fields available to choose from for the report needed

NOTE:  the “@_Vendor” indicates what table contains the field

b.   2 Quick View Fields

i. Fields to be listed on the report

c.   History Library:

i. Reports previously created


7.   Under 1 Available Fields for Quick View: Select Fields to add into report

8.   Use  to move selected field into 2 Quick View Fields column

9.   If you wish to remove any fields from the standard report; highlight fields, and then use  to move into 1 Available Fields for Quick View.

10. Select View/Export (20 per Page) to view All detail lines on one page



a.   If unchecked, will display 20 detail lines per page

11. Preview Report


12. Select + Quick View Export to save new report



a.   Determine the format you wish to save the new report



i. CSV For data exchange/Excel

ii.            Tab Delimited export

iii.           Pipe Delimited export

iv.           Excel (XLSX)

v. XML Special Export Needs

vi.           HTML for Viewing XML export

vii.          SQL for batch file automation

viii.         All of the above

13. Once you have selected the format needed, you will be taken back to the main page. 

14. Select Documents




15. The report folders will be available to select from and save as needed.



a.   These folders will be available, unless you choose to Delete the report.

i. To delete report:  Select “Del?” next to the report

ii. Select X



Sharing a Saved Sort

1.   Select Share My Sort/View:  To share your report with another staff member













2.   A new screen will populate:



3.   Select the report under Sort/View

4.   Select the User(s) to share report

5.   Select  to share Sort/View selection