Automatic Parent Connect Password Generation

Parent Connect passwords can be set up to automatically generate each morning for new students entered in Web School Office the previous day. Your tech staff can schedule a task on Windows Task Scheduler to run SWC_PC_Pass.exe.

For the task, they can add these command-line options to automate it and run for everything.

                   SWC_PC_Pass.exe Location=All Type=All

If you only want to assign one type of password, you can use the following options:

     Type=P (for parents only)

     Type=S (for students only)

     Type=N (for non-custodial parents only)

     Type=All (creates logins for all 3 types listed above)

If they only want to run it for one location they can use the Location=??? option, where ??? represents the actual value of the school location you wish to process.