Create Passwords for Parents

Revised 8/2/2018

Note: Password assignments MUST be created in Web School Office.

To assign passwords proceed with the following:

1.  Login Web School Office | Administrative Utilities | Control Center | Parent Connect

2.  Select the School Location.

3.  Select if you are creating passwords for the Parents, Non-custodial parents, or the Students. You may only do one type of login at a time.

Parents: gets the information from the Mail To field in Demographics

Non-custodial: gets the information from your custom fields for non-custodial parents; you will specify the fields that match up.

Students: uses the student’s name; this gives the student his/her own login and password so he/she doesn’t have to share the information with his/her parents.

4.  Keep the dot in "Students with No Passwords"

This option will NOT redo existing passwords.

You may select "Reset All Passwords for All Students" if you do want ALL logins to receive new passwords.

5.  Click on "Create Parent Logins and Passwords for New Students" button.

Note: This is the same button you would click if assigning the Student or Non-custodial passwords as well.

The button title changes with your selection in steps 3 and 4.

6.  If your Parent Connect is looking at live data, you do not need to do anything more.

7.  If your Parent Connect is looking at a copy of student data, then copy the sdsxplan.mdb and the sdscplan.mdb from your student directory (i.e. c:\sdsv8\student) to your parentconnect\parentdata folder located on your web server in order for those new passwords to be active.

If you do not know where your student directory is located contact your tech or another hint is to run a SDS report from WSO |Reports |Student Reports (i.e. Student List) and at the bottom of the report you will see the file path and name of the report. Your reports are located in the same directory.

If you do not know if your data is "live" or a "copy", contact your tech.

The Message for Parents field is used to show a message on the Parent Connect login page. For example, you could use this area to let parents and students know about upcoming school events or breaks. Many schools have used it to announce the ability for parents to update their student’s information via the

The Links of Interest section is just that – an area where you can enter recommended links for your students. Is there a local college or university that offers a homework hotline? Enter the site here. How about a great site for help with math or science problems in particular? Enter the site’s information here. Simply enter a description such as “Homework Help” in the description field and the official URL in the URL field. Be sure to click the diskette, located in the colored bar to the right of "URL", to save your entries.