Extra Credit and Class Participation

Revised: 1/11/18 LT


The extra credit – (9) category, when adding an assignment is different than any other category. When you add a column into the gradebook that is an “extra credit – (9)” category, any number that you put into that column is added directly to the average. In other words, if a student has a 79 average and then a grade of 5 is put into that column, that student’s new average is now 84.


Most commonly teachers will want to add additional points to students “points earned” in order to give a boost to a student’s average. This can be accomplished by giving extra credit to students by using any other category besides “extra credit-(9)”. If you give an extra credit assignment, you can either set the points on that assignment at 0*, and then any points you give in that column will go to “points earned” in the category selected when creating that assignment and nothing will go to points possible of that category. Another way to give extra credit is to give a student more points than possible. If you have an assignment worth 25 points, and you want to give a student extra credit, if you give him more than 25 points (28), that will give him 25 points in the points possible and 28 points in the points earned. Whenever you give more points than possible for an assignment it will show in the gradebook as magenta color so that it stands out from other grades.

*When a gradebook page uses category weighting, an entire category with zero points possible will be ignored in the final average.