Separate Security Groups

1.  You have the ability to have separate security groups for Parent, Non-Custodial, and Student users. These security groups are automatically created the first time you click the add passwords button. These new groups will be created using the security the current _Parent group has. Then you can change what information the users in the _ParNonCus or _ParStu sees. This is all located in User Security.

_Parent _Parent <- This security group controls ALL parent logins.

_ParentConnect Non-Custodial _ParNonCus <- This security group controls ALL non-custodial parent logins.

_ParentConnect Student _ParStu <- This security group controls ALL student logins.

2.  Separate logins can be created for the students!

Simply open Administrative Utilities | Control Center | Parent Connect tab.

Blacken the dot next to Students, blacken either the “students with No Password” or “Reset Passwords for All Students” option

§ “Students with No Password” will create passwords for NEW students only OR is used when you first start using Parent Connect for students.

§ “Reset Passwords for All Students” is only used when you want to reset the passwords for all students, current and new.

Match your SDS field that stores the student's e-mail address in the Student e-mail field drop box.

Click the “Create Student Logins and Passwords” button.

3.  Separate logins can be created for non-custodial parents/guardians!

Simply open Administrative Utilities, click on Control Center, click on the Parent Connect tab.

Blacken the option for Non-Custodial, choose either “Students with No Password” or “Reset Passwords for All Students”.

§ “Students with No Password” will create passwords for NEW students only OR is used when you first start using Parent Connect for students.

§ “Reset Passwords for All Students” is only used when you want to reset the passwords for all students, current and new.

In your SDS demographics data, you should have fields that contain information about the non-custodial parent. If you don’t have these data fields, simply add them at this time (for help in adding new fields, see here).

Once the new fields have been added, you simply match the e-mail, name, address, and city/state/zip fields in the drop boxes shown.

Click the “Create Non-Custodial Logins and Passwords for Students” button. Only logins will be created for those that have non-custodial parent information filled in. These fields will be used when printing letters.

4.  Parent Connect login letters can be created for students only and the non-custodial parent only.

This will create letters for every Current Year Active=0 student. The student name will appear on the student letter, whereas the non-custodial parent letter will be addressed to the parent based on the information entered in the non-custodial parent name and address fields you have defined and completed.

In addition, letters can be created by a “batch” using the date the passwords were created. This can be combined with the Entry Date field. Therefore if you created parent connect passwords yesterday, you can still print letters for that batch by specifying yesterday’s date in the “Date Password Created” drop box. Before clicking the printer button to actually print the letters, you must choose the “type” of letter you are printing (parent login, non-custodial parent login, or student login).

5.  There is a web setting that enables the ability to have separate security groups for Parent Connect by school location.

Open Administrative Utilities, click on SDS Web Settings, and then find the option for “Enable ParentConnect security by Location.” When set to “Y”, a button will show on the Administrative Utilities-Control Center-Parent Connect tab that will automatically create these security groups* and alter EVERY login for Parent Connect. The naming convention is a follows for each of the three groups for each location:
_Par_[School_Location] – Parent
_ParN[School_Location] – Non-custodial
_ParS[School_Location] – Student

*This allows you to set up each school location so that only certain school locations see the attendance by class tab while others see the daily attendance tab. Don’t use schedules at one building? Simple – hide that tab for those parents!