Set Security for Parent Connect Reports

To select the reports you would like to allow parents to print in Parent Connect follow the below instructions: 

1.  Open Administrative Utilities.

2.  Click on User Security.

3.  Find the “_Parents #_Parents” user in the list in the 1st box.

4.  In the middle box, scroll down until you find the menu item for +Parent Connect Reports.

5.  Click the + to expand the tree.

6.  If you do NOT want a parent to be able to print a specific report, put a check in front of the item. Leave the box unchecked to allow a parent to print the report.

7.  Click the button “Save User Setup” at the top.

8.  Repeat these steps for the “_ParentConnect Student #_ParStu” and “_ParentConnect Non-Custodial #_ParNonCus” user groups. These two groups are for the student’s access and the non-custodial parent access control, respectively. Explainations about these groups can be found by clicking here.

9.  If using parent connect security by school location, review each school location’s need for reporting. For example, if the elementary school isn’t doing period attendance, you might turn off the period attendance report for the elementary. Details can be found by clicking here.