Setting up Grade Charts in a Class for Individual Students


If you have a student(s) in a class that needs to be graded using a different grade scale, you can easily assign that grade chart using the following instructions.

1.  Open a gradebook page by clicking on the blue link to the page desired.

2.  Click on Settings and then Adjust and move.

3.  Scroll down to the “Change a Grade Chart for a Student” This will open to a class list with grade chart options next to each student’s name.

4.  Locate student ad choose the custom grade chart from the drop down box.

5.  Choose an option in “Apply Grade chart Changes to Students.

This page only: applies to only this gradebook page.

6.  All Pages for This class: All gradebook pages for this class.

7.  All Pages in All of My classes: if you have students in more than one course and you want them to have this same grade chart in all courses.

8.  Click the “Hide and Save” button upon exit.