
Below is an overview of the Marking Period Grade Entry toolbar.
Save & Close
Saves your work and closes the window

Saves your work but leaves the window open so you can continue working

Other Courses
Hovering over this button will display the list of other courses you teach. You can open a different course by clicking the desired course from this list. There is no need to Save and Close before moving to a different course. When you select a different course from this list your work is saved before the new course is displayed.

Provides a list of the reports available for the Marking Period Grades area.

     Grade Verification

This report will open an options page. First, select the school location from a dropdown list. Second, select the marking period to report. Click OK to display the grade verification report.

     Class List

This report will display the class list for this class which includes the course name/period offered, student ID, name, grade, gender and the total number of students in the class will be listed at the bottom of the report

This opens the area that controls your screen display as well as the options of copying grades from column to column, computing final grades (if gradebook is not used), and displaying the list of comment code definitions. To close this area, click the Close and Save Settings button.

     Inactive Students Yes | No.

Click the circle for Yes or No to display inactive students. Note – If the selection is made here to display inactive students, any report that is printed in this area will also show inactive students. This option remains in effect until the user opens this area again and changes the option to not show inactive students then saves.

     Compute Final Grade.

Select the final grade area from the dropdown. Check the box “Average as Letter” if the final grade is to be posted as a letter and not a percent. Click on the calculator , located on the left side of the entry screen, to compute a final grade based on the term grades and exam. The office will have set up the “calculator” area prior semester’s end so that the final grades compute properly, according to the percentage guidelines of the school. If you use the calculator and are using alphabetical grades, it will average the letter grades NOT the numeric averages.

Copy Grades Between Columns
Use this option when classes do not meet all of the marking periods of a semester but should be given a Final grade. This process can be used to copy the marking period grade to the Final grade area. Follow these steps:

1.  Select the Marking Period where the grades are listed from the dropdown box on the left.

2.  Select the Final grade that the grades should be copied to in the dropdown box on the right.

3.  Click the Copy Now (two pieces of paper button) to copy the grades.

Copy Numeric Grades and Convert to Letter Grades
Use this option to post the percentage and letter grade to the office at the same time. Follow these steps:

1.  Choose the percentage grade area from the dropdown on the left.

2.  Choose the letter grade from the dropdown on the right

If the appropriate grade area does NOT show, contact the office so they may ‘turn on’ the proper options.

3.  Click “copy now” (two pieces of paper) button

All gradebooks that are setup to auto post into the selected grade area will copy the class grades into that grade area immediately. If you make any grade changes in a gradebook after transferring grades, you will need to repeat the 2 steps immediately above this one to insure that your marking period and gradebook grades are the same.

Display Comment Code Descriptions Now
This opens a new window with the comment descriptions available for your use. These are the numbers that can be keyed into the Cm (comment) fields. To close the Comment Code Description window click the X in the upper right corner of that window.

This menu offers you two sources of assistance.

View Help
This option opens a new window to our Help Console where you can search for help on topics of interest

This option opens a new window to our company’s web site