2021 User Boot Camp Summary

June 17, 2021


    IL TRS

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Account: 99781407


    Deductions and Benefits

Update rate and percentages

How to change who has what deductions and benefits


Cloning contracts

Adding a new contract

    Upcoming Conferences www.sdsuniversity.com

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May 20, 2021


    Illinois TRS/THIS Flat Rate Contribution Processing for July and August Payrolls

Who should use this process

Why is this process needed

What is the basic logic of this process

    “TRS Gemini Course in SDS University”- all Gemini Webinars and Documentation are posted here:  Gemini TRS 2021 - Getting Started | SDS University

    “What’s Next” in the Gemini Journey

    “What Questions do you have?”  Q &A session as time allows

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1.  How do I know if all my prep steps are good?

Once you have completed the prep steps an case should be submitted. We will spot check your steps. If we find anything you need to address you will get an email.

2.  All the steps that are in the guidance document should be done for next years payroll?

All Gemini Setup needs to be done for FY22

3.  I have done all the prep steps and starting froing thru all the steps in the document but when I got to the Annual Salary on page 26 I realized maybe I shouldn’t be worried about putting that in for this years payroll.

Annual Salary will pull from the contract, if you don’t use contracts you will need to fill in the annual Salary.

4.  I haven’t done my 21/22 calendars yet. Should I?

You can create the Payroll Calendars for Gemini reporting at any time.

5.  Can you remind us if we have employees with extended contracts do we need to have a separate calendar for those that don’t fall into the standard 260/180 of my other staff

They need their own calendar

6.  Our superintendent, principals, and guidance counselor start in July and August, teachers in September

Set up the calendars according to the position and assign them to the employees that work those dates.

7.  I have a counselor that works 200 days. She is the only one on this schedule. Would she need her own calendar.


8.  What do we do if we do not have the board approved calendars for the next year yet

You can create the calendars then set the days when you have that information

9.  Is there something to print out for what you are showing us

The webinar document from May 6 has all the information about setting up for Gemini, it is in the SDS University  sdsuniversity.com

10. Just fyi, I have printed the calendar report and the activate sot does not work if you want to print just one.

We will take  a look at this!  Thank you

11. Are we able to make calendars for our parapros too

Calendars are only needed for TRS purposes. Para pros aren’t reportable to TRS. 

12. Do we need to add calendars for extra duty employees if they work for another district

No, please refer to our May webinar document and the Gemini Handbook.

13. Are we able to add the July payroll dates to the calendar now? My admin will be 2022, but my teacher will be 2021 still

You can add them but I would check with TRS on the work from and to dates to be sure they are acceptable to them.

14. Should there be separate calendars for subs that are paid hourly and a pay period behind

Subs don’t need to have a calendar please refer to the webinar document in regards to entering sub pay and how their days are reported.

15. For subs it doesn’t really say about FTE- should it be 000

Page 34 of the webinar document for Substitute Employee Setup, Days paid is 0.

16. What about summer school sessions

Not sure what the question is please submit a case.

17. If we have multiple districts and multiple payroll calendars set up with the correct calendar dates, do we need to use the alternate schedules also for those different district start dates

If their pay is for the same work from and work to dates the payroll will pick up their actual number of days from their calendar they are assigned too.  Alternate schedules are if their work from and two days they are getting PAID for are different.

18. Should we have our payroll dates entered into Gemini by now.

As far as we know their portal isn’t open yet.  You will need to check with them.

19. Do we report not in session days to TRS? Teachers are here but students are not

Please consult with TRS

20. Is there an easy way to get sub days worked? For instance a half day is really counted as a full day. And if they have two subs for the day so it lists two half days on that day which would be one day not two.

Please refer to page 52 of the webinar document

21. How do we know hot to do a calendar for summer drivers ed teacher. They do not have set driving days.

The number of days for an employee can be modified on the TRS reporting screen prior to submitting the report. I think that would be the “route” to go

22. Will there be an option to adjust the report to accommodate additional days worked. For example, a nurse may work 2 days at the beginning of the school year. Can those be added to the report as you go, or do I need an additional calendar to incorporate those days worked?

The number of days for an employee can be modified on the TRS reporting screen prior to submitting the report.

23. How do you handle the same monthly pay date for different calendars when opening a payroll?

You can use alternate schedules if the work from and to dates are different within the same payroll date.


24. Where can I find this latest document that you are showing on the screen with Gemini directions?

Sdsuniversity.com if you don’t have a login you will need to create one, then select the Gemini icon.

25. To clarify, only TRS employees need a calendar, and you would handle non certs in a payroll by schedule

The calendar is for the SOLE purpose of reporting the number of days worked to TRS. Non-certs don’t need a calendar.

26. Should I make a separate summer school calendars?

You can create calendars for employees that work summer days.

27. I emailed TRS this week and received a reply back that June Gemini training is forthcoming for those employers not in the Gemini pilot program

28. Do we need to set up other TRS ded/ben to change in rates? What if we have stipends worked in June but paid in July

-Once your July and August payrolls for FY 21 are complete you can change the rates, no need to add new codes.

-If they are reported for FY21 the TRS will need to be submitted by July10. I would ask TRS about this and we can tell you how to handle it in SDS.

29. Can we choose to only transfer over the TRS in the payroll journal entry(s) for the July and August payrolls in June

No, all the liabilities will be transferred.

30. Maybe I missed this, but will this updated version be posted to the financial help area soon

It is the same process as last year, just different dates. It will be posted as soon as we can.

31. We have our insurance benefit change in July and our insurance change done in August. This won’t work for us. I set up a separate TRS summer account to put the funds into and plan to let it pay the district back, the I am manually figuring out how much is due for everyone at the end of June and paying it from district funds. Is there any reason this wont work?

This year it will work because Gemini reporting is not in affect. BUT, next year you will have to use our process because each payroll has to be reported separately by employee. It is not just about getting the amount of the contributions.

32. We pay our insurance premiums a month ahead, so the new rates start in August, so would need to change August? I guess we would double the change in September then?

For teachers, if they change before the first FY22 payroll, you will need to figure a way to handle this.

33. Our insurance changes in August and I have to reflect these changes then. Can I chat with you Carla about idea on what I have in mind.

Please send me an email, I’d love to hear what you have in mind. Perhaps it would be something others can use!

34. For summer school days worked and paid in July and August how do we get their calendar days to pull into Gemini? Add the summer school days to their regular FY21-22 calendar in July and August? Or separate calendar for that payroll. Or is there a manual override for summer school, extra days worked throughout year?

You can create a calendar for them or the days can be manually changed prior to submitting the report.

35. When we load the data for the annual TRS reporting by individual detail, the TRS system nets out what is owed based on the creditable earnings submitted. Do we really need to do the accruals or can we just pay out the net owed for fy21 TRS/THIS categories?

For this year you can pay however you want, because Gemini isn’t in affect.  next year each payroll has to be reported separately.

36. Can we add the time sheet employees for July and August to those payrolls when the time comes?

You will do separate payrolls for timesheet employees and admins.

37. Just to clarify we do not need to run the admins payrolls early since they will be in fiscal year 2022

Correct. Their FY pay ends June 30, teachers does not.

38. So for non cert summer help/extra duty, I might actually have a 3rd payroll in July and August after running certified payroll for TRS in June, correct

Possibly. Hopefully your non-cert and admins can be paid on the same payrolls.

39. If we know the deduction/benefit changes for August can we 1. Run the July payrolls? 2. Update the ded/bene amounts? 3. Process the August payrolls with the new rate?

Yes! If you have the new amounts when you run the early payrolls use them.

40. If you close the payroll how do you pay the non TRS employees for July and August payroll? All our staff has the same payroll dates.

Process a payroll for them. You can’t use the same payroll date but you can use the same check date.

41. Can you create the payroll files early and save them

If you are referring to direct deposit files I see no need to do that.

42. What happens if you have change to a bank account- for instance a closed account? When do you update before you create the file?

Update before you create the file just like you would any other payroll.

43. So for July Aug payroll when all pay must be processed- the pay check date can be the same, but the payroll date must be a different correct


44. Even though TRS liabilities will post in SDS say 7/30, when we pay TRS by 7/10, TRS will be pulling them from bank by 7/10. Bank accounts will not balance to fund accounts on balance sheet? Guess will have to track it to treasurer.

If you date the TRS contribution check June, it will post to cash in June & it would be an outstanding check until it clears the bank. If you date the check July, it will post to cash in July and will be outstanding until it clears the bank. I don’t see any reason why you would be out of balance.

45. What if July and August payrolls are processed in June and then a teacher gets a wage garnishment or has to start paying child support

They can’t start until their first pay for FY22. Or have them pay you the money and process it that way.

46. Will the liabilities for those July and Aug payrolls show up on the year end reports for FY21

No, they are posted by the date of the payroll.

47. What if they have a stipend or summer school payment

Separate payroll

48. I understand the payment must be made to TRS by 7/10 for the July and August payrolls but you keep saying we have to run those payroll in June. Can we run them July as long our payment is on time and creditable earnings are in as fy21.

If you want to wait and process them in July you can. Either way they still are posted to July and August. The point is that they have to be processed so the contributions can be paid by 7/10.

49. Is the process different if we accrue July and August teacher pay to June

The SDS accrual process is done similar to early payrolls, however,  the concept is completely different. Accrual will post those payrolls to June, the early payrolls are posted to July and August.

50. My insurance deduction/benefits change July 1st. Do I have to wait until Sept 1st to make those changes

If you know what those changes are going to be prior to processing the early payrolls you can make those changes after your last June payroll.

51. If I do not accelerate does that not apply

All of this applies because districts can no longer accelerate.

52. My insurance changes in August too so how does that work

The only thing I can give you is, for teachers, adjustments will need to be made for the first pay of FY22

53. When Gemini begins, we will not have to run all these payroll in the future will we?

These early payrolls are because of Gemini. They require each pay to be reported separately and the money is due by 7/10. This is the process moving forward.

54. We run our July payrolls in June so that contracts are paid out by end of the fiscal year

Perfect! This process is not new to you then J

55. We need to accrue the summer pays. In the last year instructions, the second box in payroll close screen was checked “ create an accrual” has something changed? Or do we still need to check this box to accrue

I didn’t cover accrual, while the process is almost the same, it is a completely different concept. The accrual process has not changed since last year.

56. Where can I go to print this running payrolls document? I think you said the new 2021 will be out soon

It will be in the help console. Same process just different dates.

57. Since my insurance changes in August can I enter TRS as a default amount on all Teacher by June 30th of what is owed so I there fore would have to do this process correct

Gemini requires each payroll to be reported separately that will not work next year.

58. Cant we just the July pays then change the deduction amount before running the august payrolls

Yes, if you have those changes before processing the early payrolls.

59. I planned to run my final pays after July 1st so I still had time to pay by July 10th. Is there some reason why we have to run in June.

No you can run them in July if you want.

60. For July 1 insurance change, cant I change them before the July check run


61. If I have a teacher workshop on June 26 and each trs employee needs a stipend can I enter those in gross pay entry screen on one of the July/aug payrolls so it can captured in ths payment for FY21


62. Why can we not update insurance benefit/deduction amounts for teachers prior to running either July or august payrolls depending on when the changes should occur

If you know what the changes are going to be you can.

63. Can we hand calculate the amount owed in June pay it with district funds, set up new liability accounts for summer trs (payable to district) and then just run payroll as normal

Gemini requires each payroll to be reported separately

64. If we have summer school that runs June through July we would pay those accordingly?  July falls into fy22 and June work days fy21

That sounds correct to me but just to be sure please check with TRS.

65. We pay our July payroll in June is this process ok


66. Can’t we just figure out what we owe and not run in advance. Will all pull in the TRS report to them if we do it that way

Gemini requires each payroll to be reported separately

67. So for our supt and prin who run July 1 to June 30, we do not do payrolls ahead for them? Also, our new TRS employees for August 1 would be on a separate payroll?

Admins are already paid out by 6/30. Any employees not included on the early payrolls would be on a separate payroll.

68. I think what some may be asking is - if we know what the insurance changes are before we process the Aug pay in June - any reason why we cannot make these changes before the June process of the Aug TRS payroll?

If you know the changes you can make them.

69. Other then noting as a sub in SDS; any other difference in their setup vs a teacher and also if they are retired vs not

Please refer to the webinar document employee setup section this is all defined.

70. How do we set up an IMRF employee that subs in TRS position? I set them up as an "S" but they are not pulling into the TRS Employee Review report.

Follow the Sub setup with the exception of the Retire TIN since they are getting IMRF. When you pay them, their Retire TIN would be a “T” and FICA would be an “N” so they will get reported. They will not show on the employee review report and that is okay, just check their setting in

71. If you have several different calendars but they all have the same monthly pay date, are they processed separately in the month?

The payroll work from and to days “look” at the employee’s assigned calendar to report the number of days worked in the pay period.

72. Do we need a separate SDS calendar for non-TRS employees?

The calendar is for the SOLE purpose of reporting the number of days worked to TRS. Non-certs don’t need a calendar.

73. For a stipend paid in August for work performed in the previous fiscal year, can a separate payroll be processed using the drop down box on the Open a payroll screen and choosing the previous fiscal year so that those wages can be recorded for the previous fiscal year for TRS purposes?

Yes, for this year. I would assume you would just pay the difference to TRS when you submit the annual report.  However I am uncertain how this will work next year when each payroll is reported separately and paid monthly. I would pass this by TRS and please let us know.


April, 22, 2021


    Budget Reports

    File Size when Attaching Documents – Starting at 5:40

    Adding Fields such as Email or Cell Phone Number to Screens – Starting at 7:25

    Stipend Pay and Federal Tax Options – Starting at 14:00

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March 18, 2021



Budget Planning Assistant

Master File

Journal Entries

State Forms

    Payroll Register Reports

    Deduction and Benefit Reports

    1099 Y/N now showing in Accounts Payable

    TRS Gemini Free Course Updates





February 18, 2021



ACA Dependent Information

Accounts Payable

Journal Entries

Cash Receipts

    ACA Tips and Tricks




January 21, 2021


    New feature on the home screen

    W-2 and COVID wages

    1099 and how to update amounts

    1099 MISC vs. NEC

    Tax Indicator in Add/Change Screen in Contracts

