Annual Statement of Affairs

Revised:  10/2020


The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Annual Statement of Affairs is due to be published by general circulation in the local newspaper on or before November 30th.  SDS provides two reports that are needed for this state required reporting; Employee Publication Report and Vendor Publication Report.

For more information on the ISBE Annual Statement of Affairs reporting requirements, see:


Report 1:  Employee Publication Report


This report will display Certified and Non-Certified employees according to the state required breakdowns.


To create the Employee Publication Report:

1.  Select Reports

2.  Select General Accounting Reports

3.  1 Report Group: Select Payroll & Human Resources

4.  2 Select a Report: Select Employee Publication Report



5.  Select the Auto Answer check box, to retain the date listed.

6.  Enter Payroll Date Range to report:  Enter date range required



7.  Preview the Report.  You will have multiple pages, broken out by the Employee Type and Salary Range.



Report 2:  Vendor Publication Report


To create the Vendor Publication Report:

1.  Select Reports

2.  Select General Accounting Reports

3.  1 Report Group: Select Vendor and Order for

4.  2 Select a Report: Select Vendor Publication Report

5.  Activity From & Activity To:  Enter date range required



6.  Under the Question & Answer section, there are three different ranges to be reported and they must be processed, individually.

a.  $500 to $999.99

i. Include if total is > or = 500.00

ii. Include if total is < or = 999.99

b.  $1000 to $2500

i. Include if total is > or = 1000.00

ii. Include if total is < or = 2500.00

c.  $2501 and above

i. Include if total is > or = 2501.00

ii. Include if total is < or = 999,999.99

7.  Preview the Report for the $500 to $999.99 range



8.  Once you have processed the $500 to $999.99 range, repeat the report creation for steps “b” and “c” above