Format Data

Revised:  4/2021


When selecting “Format Data” all data for the selected field, will be formatted to the specified manner selected.


1.   Place a Checkmark in “I have a working backup of my data base.”

2.   Select Format Data



3.   Select a Table to edit from the drop down. 

4.   Optional: Click the “Open Selection Definition Area” button to choose only certain employees. Follow steps 1 – 6 if using this option. When Finished is selected, you will return to the main screen. Or to leave the screen without a sort, the green arrow will return you to the previous screen.



5.   Field to Change:  Choose the field with the data to be changed in the dropdown selection.

6.   Format Characters:  Choose the type of formatting to be done to the selected field by selecting an option in the dropdown selection.



7.   Select “Make Changes”