Illinois- Site Based Reporting

Revised 07/2023


The Illinois State Board of Education has announced its Site-Based Expenditure Reporting initiative.  This reporting requirement began with the 2018-19 school year and required all school districts and other designated reporting entities to report per-pupil expenditure data at the district and at the school level, disaggregated by source of funds (federal vs. state/local).

The ISBE approach to this report has changed for Fiscal Year 2023.  They have worked with SDS to simplify the pulling of the information. 

Please follow these steps to produce the needed report:

1.  Reports/Financial Reports

2.  1. Select standard Expenditure Report

3.  Report Format – Account Left State Right

4.  2. Calendar date – 6/30/2023

5.  3. Report Columns – leave as 5 columns just like screen print below

6.  4. Subtotal Definition – leave as is

7.  5 Active Account Selection Options – check mark Any Activity and Account Status= A.

8.  Select Export to Excel



9.  Open Excel file and save as.  Please name it like this: district name.xlsx



**Make sure that you see State Budget Number in Column J.

10. Upload to State- on the Start Menu -select ISBE Online Tool to upload the SDS Expenditure excel report