Save a Standard Report as a Custom Report for Web Financial Office

Revised:  4/2021


If you are opening your SDS reports in Crystal Reports modifying them, you then MUST save them as custom reports or the next time your system is updated your custom reports will be OVERWRITTEN.

     There are several ways to name your report so you can view your report in SDS.

     When you are in your SDS report (i.e. Employee Master List = swf_emp.rpt) and made a modification.

     First go to “File” and then to “Save As” (This is while you are in Crystal Reports).

     The title of your report will appear in the File name box. You then have two different options on how to save your custom report. 

Option 1 - Save as a Standard Custom Report

     To save a standard SDS report as a Custom Report simply replace the first _ in the report name with a c (as in custom). Verify that it is saved in your Finance directory where all your SDS programs, reports, etc. are located or the program will not be able to find your report.

     Note: Make sure you have not entered .rpt to many times. Many times people save reports as swfcemp.rpt.rpt and the program cannot find this naming structure since it is incorrect. Crystal Reports will automatically put the .rpt on the end of the report name for you.

Standard = swf_emp.rpt
Custom = swfcemp.rpt

Once the report is saved as a custom report in your finance directory the program will automatically make the report available in Reports |General Accounting Reports under the same report group as the standard report you customized is located. It will display with the same standard name with (Custom) after the name (i.e. Employee Master List (Custom)).

     Save Checks and Vouchers as Custom Reports - The exception to option 1 is Payroll/Accounts Payable checks and vouchers. To save a custom check rather than placing a c in the first _ you replace top or bottom with the work custom. Below are some examples.

Example of Payroll Checks:
Top Stub:
Standard = swf_pcheck_top.rpt
Custom = swf_pcheck_custom.rpt

Bottom Stub:
Standard = swf_pcheck_bottom.rpt
Custom = swf_pcheck_custom.rpt

Example of Vouchers:
Top Stub:
Standard = swf_pvoucher_top.rpt
Custom = swf_pvoucher_custom.rpt

Bottom Stub:
Standard = swf_pvoucher_bottom.rpt
Custom = swf_pvoucher_custom.rpt

Example of Accounts Payable Checks:
Top Stub:
Standard = swf_acheck_top.rpt
Custom = swf_acheck_custom.rpt

Bottom Stub:
Standard = swf_acheck_bottom.rpt
Custom = swf_acheck_custom.rpt 

Option 2 - Save Custom Report with Any Name

In addition option 1 you can also save a report with any name shorter than 32 characters including the .rpt. After saving the report you then have to add to the menu tree.

Your own Naming: Employee Contact List.rpt

Once you have saved your new report (Employee Contact List.rpt) in your finance directory you then must add the report to your SDS system. Follow the below instructions on how to add your report.

1.   Login WFO

2.   Click on Administrative Utilities |Control Center |Add Report to a Report Group

3.   Select a report group.

4.   Click on the + or select a report

5.   In box # 3 type in a Description for your report.

6.   In box # 4 type in the Crystal Report name (i.e. Employee Contact List.rpt).

7.   Next to # 5 Click Save.

8.   Then enter Reports |General Accounting Reports and the Report Group you added the report to.