What is SSL?

Your site is protected by Norton/Symantec SSL certificate, along with other security measures. The SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a global standard security technology that enables encrypted communication between a web browser and a web server. It is utilized by millions of online businesses and individuals to decrease the risk of sensitive information (e.g., credit card numbers, usernames, passwords, emails, etc.) from being stolen or tampered with by hackers and identity thieves. In essence, SSL allows for a private “conversation” just between the two intended parties. This same encryption is used by banks for their on line banking programs.

The SSL certificate (also referred to as a “digital certificate”) is installed on a web server and serves two functions:

1.   It authenticates the identity of the website (this guarantees visitors that they’re not on a bogus site)

2.   It encrypts the data that’s being transmitted.

As a result, protected communication is established between the employee checking their employee portal information and the server.

How does a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Work?
Below steps you through what happens when a browser encounters SSL.

1.   A browser attempts to connect to a website secured with SSL.

2.   The browser requests that the web server identify itself.

3.   The server sends the browser a copy of its SSL Certificate.

4.   The browser checks whether it trusts the SSL Certificate. If so, it sends a message to the server.

5.   The server sends back a digitally signed acknowledgement to start an SSL encrypted session.

6.   Encrypted data is shared between the browser and the server and https appears.


Encryption Protects Data During Transmission
Web servers and web browsers rely on the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to help users protect their data during transfer by creating a uniquely encrypted channel for private communications over the public Internet. Each SSL Certificate consists of a key pair as well as verified identification information. When a web browser (or client) points to a secured website, the server shares the public key with the client to establish an encryption method and a unique session key. The client confirms that it recognizes and trusts the issuer of the SSL Certificate. This process is known as the "SSL handshake" and it begins a secure session that protects message privacy, message integrity, and server security.


Credentials Establish Identity Online
Credentials for establishing identity are common: a driver's license, a passport, a company badge. SSL Certificates are credentials for the online world, uniquely issued to a specific domain and web server and authenticated by the SSL Certificate provider. When a browser connects to a server, the server sends the identification information to the browser.