Activate Auto Answer

In the past when previewing reports you had to answer report parameters. To simplify the process and save you time, we have created an “Activate Auto Answer” tool. This tool provides you the ability to save your parameter answers before previewing the report and for future runs. Simply select your report, create any sorts you would like, answer the questions under “Activate Auto Answer” and put a check in the box next to Activate Auto Answer. By putting the check in “Activate Auto Answer” it will retain those same parameter answers the next time you run that same report and sort.

Things to keep in mind:

     The automatic answers are saved with each sort which means that you can have different answers with each saved sort.

     If the “Activate Auto Answer” is not activated, the program will not adjust the report parameters. By not adjusting the parameters you will be prompted with parameter as you have been in the past.

     Some parameters are dynamic (tied to database information), so those will always be prompted via the standard report parameter screen.