Advanced Course Completion

 Revised 10/21/2019


School District/BOCES Code – A unique code assigned to a district by CDE. Refer to the “District/BOCES Codes” worksheet posted at for a listing of districts and BOCES codes.


Student's State ID (SASID) – A unique ten digit number must be assigned to each student by CDE.


School Code – A unique code assigned by CDE to a school building. Refer to "School Building Codes" posted at for a listing of school codes.


Student’s First Name – A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.


Student’s Last Name – The name borne in common by members of a family.


Student’s Gender - An individual's sex.


Student’s Date of Birth – The month, day, and year on which an individual was born (i.e. 09151989).


Advanced Placement Course List--Advanced Placement Courses should be reported for any student that completed any of these courses during the entire school year. Participation can occur during first semester, second semester, or both. If a student signs up for but does not complete the course, do not report that course.


First and/or Second Semester A or B Postsecondary Participation – Indicate which postsecondary Program a student participated in for each semester and whether or not the school district paid tuition to the Institution of Higher Education.  Please Note: Coding 1, 2, 7, or 8 requires that the school district enter into a legal agreement with an institution of higher education.





     Report postsecondary course participation in the semester during which the participation took place. If a course spans multiple semesters (i.e. a year-long class), report program participation in both semesters. If your district operates on a trimester or other nontraditional schedule, you will need to make a determination regarding which semester (1st or 2nd) you will assign postsecondary participation to, then consistently apply this determination for all Post-Secondary Program students.

     The “A” and “B” designation is used only when:  A student participates in more than one postsecondary course in a semester and attends differed Institutes of Higher Learning for each course.


First and/or Second Semester A or B Institution Code – The four-digit code of the eligible institution of higher education where the student is receiving education services during first and/or second semester. To find a list of institution codes, please refer to the "Higher Education Institution Codes" worksheet posted at