Advanced Search

Revised:  4/9/2018

In Look and Browse|Student Look and Browse|Selection and Display Options this selection provides you with a screen to create an advanced search for Look and Browse. 

Follow Steps 1 -6 to complete the search setup:

1. Select a Table = select a table to search in (i.e. Demographics).

2. Field Name = select a field to search in (i.e. Grade_Year).

3. Compare Operation = choose an operation (i.e. Equal to (=)).

4. Compare to Value = from the dropdown select a value (i.e. 12).

o  ­Click “Add to Formula”.

5. For more return to step 1 = to add onto the formula start with 1 and repeat steps.

o  ­ Note: To clear the formula click on “Clear Formula”.

6. Display Students = Click Apply Formula or Cancel.