Attendance Analysis Reports

Below is a list of the reports with descriptions to better understand them.

Attendance Analysis Report: This report will give you a breakdown of students for the dates that you refreshed on. It will show days in attendance, days in enrollment and days absent and or tardy. This report can be broken down by grade, homeroom, sex, ethnic group, misc group or counselor.

Attendance Statistical Report: This report will give you a breakdown of whatever fields you used to refresh by. For example, if you refreshed using grade year, ethnic and sex, the stat report will be totals broken down by those fields.

Calendar Days not Enrolled: This report will list students that weren’t enrolled on the data range you give.

New Student Report: This report will list all new students that were entered during the date range you specify.

Withdrawn Student Report: This report will list all withdrawn students that were withdrawn during the date range you specify.