Attendance - Daily Reports


Absences and Tardies by Homeroom:   This report is a breakdown of the absences and tardies for the date range specified.


Absences Greater Than X:  This report lists Students who have absences that are equal to, greater than or less than (one is chosen) a number that is specified.  The report lists the number of absences for each student broken down by excused and unexcused.. 


Attendance Report (Daily –Today):  This report is a list of students that were marked absent today. 


Attendance Report (Daily):  This report is a list of student absences for the date specified.


Consecutive Absence Report:  This report is a list of students with consecutive absences and the absence dates for the date range specified. 


Cumulative Attendance List:  This report lists students absent in a date range with the dates and duration totals. 


Cumulative Attendance List All Students:  This report lists all students enrolled during a specified date range showing absences recorded or perfect attendance. 


Cumulative List – One per Student:  This report prints cumulative attendance for a specified date range.  Each student prints on a separate page.


Full Day Abs Report for a selected date (Count Date):  This report lists students absent on a specified date.  Subtotals for the date are provided for number of students: enrolled, in attendance, percent in attendance, reported with full day absence and percent reported with full day absence. 


Percent Absence Report:  This report lists each student's percent absent for the date range specified. 


Percent Enrollment by Date:  This report lists the student’s enrolled, total absences and percent in attendance for the date range specified. 


Perfect Attendance List by Homeroom:  This report lists students by homeroom with no absences for the date range specified.


Perfect Attendance List:  This report lists students with no absences for the date range specified.


Perfect Tardy List:  This report lists students with no Tardies for the date range specified.


Student Admit Slip:  This report lists students one per page with absence information.  The slip can be given to the teacher and then returned to the office at the end of the day.


Tardy Greater/Less Than X:  This report lists students who have tardies greater than or less than a specified number within the date range specified. 


Teachers who have not completed absences on the web:  This report lists teachers that have not completed their attendance for the current date.


Weekly Attendance Collection by Homeroom:  This report lists students by homeroom for the week specified.  Teachers can mark students absent or tardy on this list. 


Weekly Class Attendance Summary:  This report lists students for the week specified and show each day with a P for present or A for absent.