Attendance - Period Reports

Attendance Collection Sheet: This will give you a class list by teacher.  There is a column for each date of the week selected when running the report. Teachers can mark the students that are absent or tardy each day for a week.

Completed Attendance by Period/Teacher: This will give you a list of teachers by period who have completed their attendance.

Cumulative Period List: This will list students with period absences for the date range specified.

Daily Period List (by student – Today): This will list students with period absences for today.

Daily Period List (by Student): This will list students with period absences for the date specified.

Daily Period List (by Teacher): This will list students with period absences by teacher.

Daily Period Summary (by student): This will list students absent on a specific date.  Each column is a period of the day and lists the student's attendance code/excused code/other code for that period.

Period Analysis Summary: This will show you the total absences for students for each period.

Period Attendance/Room Summary: This will list students for the date specified with absences for that day by room.

Period Perfect Attendance List: This will list students with perfect attendance.

Period’s Greater/Less/Equal by student: This will list students who have greater than, less than or equal to a number of absences specified.

Periods Greater/Less/Equal by teacher: This will list students by teacher who have greater than, less than or equal to a number of absences specified.

Print Scan Forms – OCR: This will print scan forms for attendance.

Total Periods Greater/Less/Equal: This will list total periods for students that have greater than, less than, equal to a number of period absences specified.

Weekly Class Attendance Summary: This is a weekly listing of students by Teacher displaying P for present and an A for absence for each day of the week.