Copy Locker Master to Demographics

Revised 10/10/2018


This option is used to copy the locker number and combination assigned to students in Locker Assignment to selected fields on the student demographics records. 


1.  Click on Processing Center |Locker Assignment.

2.  Select school location from the dropdown at the top of the screen.

3.  Click on the Locker Utilities tab.

4.  To the right of Copy Locker Master to Demographics under the “Options” area, choose the appropriate demographics locker number and locker combination fields.

5.  Click the Copy Locker Master to Demographics link under the “Utility Description” column.

6.  Note: After running the utility, data is available from demographics to be added to custom schedules or other reports that need locker information.  If you do not run this utility, another option to add locker information to reports is:

a.  Modify the report(s) to add the Locker Master table.  Then add the locker number and combination fields from that table to your report.  This option requires an advanced knowledge of Crystal Reports.  If preferred, SDS can handle this for a minimal customization fee.