Copy Student Schedule


The Copy Student Schedule feature can be found on the Elementary Scheduling screen and can be used for either Current Year Scheduling or Next Year Scheduling. This feature may be used to copy a schedule from one student to another student. Users can copy a schedule to one student or to multiple students. 

To copy a student schedule:

     Open Scheduling.

     Click on Elementary School Scheduling.

     Choose "School to Process" from the dropdown at the top of the screen.

     Choose either Current Year Scheduling or Next Year Scheduling.

     Click Go to Copy Student Schedule in the upper right corner.

     On the next screen:

1.  Choose School Location

2.  In the list of students on the left, click the word Select on the student from whose schedule classes will be copied. 

3.  The schedule of the student selected on the left will display in the middle column of the screen. Checkmark the classes in the schedule you wish to copy. If you want to copy all the classes, click to check all classes in the schedule.

4.  In the list of students on the right, checkmark the student(s) you wish to copy the selected classes to. NOTE: By default, this list will only display students with no schedule. If you wish to display all students in this list, uncheck the "Students with No Schedule" box above the list.

5.  In the entry date at the top of the screen, fill in the date the student begins the classes being copied.

6.  Click to copy the selected classes from the middle of the screen to the selected student(s) on the right side of the screen

     To view the copied schedules, click the refresh button to refresh the list of students on the left. Then select a student in the list on the left to view their schedule in the middle of the screen.