Delete Students or Records       

Added 6/12/2018          


Delete a Student

In Data Entry & Changes|Student Information, only delete a student if they have no records in attendance or scheduling. If they do have records in either, you must first delete the attendance and/or schedule records.  Students can be deleted following these instructions:

Choose a Demographics view from the Entry Options dropdown at the top of the screen. 

Select the student you wish to change demographic data on. 

Click the Deletebutton on the Demographics view.  If the Delete button is not displayed, the student still has attendance and/or schedule records.  Delete those in the attendance entry and schedule change areas and then return to Data Entry|Student Information to delete the student. 

Delete records in other Data Entry Views

Delete records in other Data Entry & Changes|Student Information Entry Options such as Activities, Discipline, Transcript Detail, etc. following these instructions:

Select the data entry view you want to delete a record on from the Entry Options dropdown at the top of the screen.

Select the student you wish to edit.

Click the the record you wish to edit.  The record will display.

Click the Delete button to remove the selected record.