Demographics Supplemental Info

Revised 10/26/2018

The Demographics Supplemental Info areas can be set up to keep track of various data on students without adding additional fields to your demographics table.

You can set these areas up to keep track of multiple emergency contacts, student awards, meetings held on a student, extra services provided (i.e.Tutoring), etc. You can add your own custom fields to these tables to track whatever data you desire and have the ability to enter multiple records for a student.

For example, if you would like to be able to have multiple emergency contacts for students, but don’t want to clutter up your demographics by adding fields such as Emergency Contact 1, Emergency Contact 1 Relationship, Emergency Contact 1 Cell Phone, Emergency Contact 2, Emergency Contact 2 Relationship, Emergency Contact 2 Cell Phone, etc., you can add the emergency contact fields to one of the Demographics Supplemental tables and then enter a separate record for each emergency contact for a student.

Another example of a use for this area might be to keep track of student awards. Again, you would add the fields you would like to use to keep track of awards, set up a data entry view, and enter student awards in the new data view.

Add Fields to the Demographics_Supplemental Tables

To add fields to any of the Demographics_Supplemental tables, click the button below and follow the instructions in the document that displays. In step #6, choose one of the Demographics_Supplemental tables.



NOTE:  When adding fields to the Demographics_Supplemental tables, do not add these fields:


Student_Name, School_Location, Home_Phone, Counselor, Sex, Home_Room, and Grade_Year


These are Demographics fields and are restricted to the Demographics view only. So, they will not show up for data entry in the Demographics Supplemental Info views or any custom views created from the Demographics Supplemental Info tables. 


You can add these fields using a variation on the field name, ie. HomePhone instead of Home_Phone, Gender instead of Sex, Homeroom instead of Home_room,etc. 

Create a Data View of the Demographics_Supplemental Fields

The default Demographics_Supplemental views listed in the Entry Options dropdown in Data Entry & Changes |Student Information or Student Maintenance will contain all the fields you add plus the default fields of Date, Description, Notes, and Date Changed.

You may want to create a new Data View with just your fields in it and a descriptive name (i.e. Emergency Contacts, Student Awards). To create custom Data Views, click the button below and follow the instructions under the Create a New View “From Scratch” section in the document that displays. In step #4, choose the Demographics_Supplemental table you added fields to.



Add Demographics Supplemental Info to Students


Demographics Supplemental Info can be added to students in Data Entry & Changes in either the Student Maintenance or Student Information screens.  Custom data entry views are available in both areas.  Records added in either area will be available in the other area, as well.  Instructions for adding Demographics Supplemental records in both areas are included below.


Student Maintenance – Add Demographics Supplemental Info


1.   Open Data Entry & Changes |Student Maintenance.

2.   Select the Demographics_Supplemental table you added fields to or the custom view you created, from one of the four data entry views at the top of the screen.


     In this example, custom fields were added to the Demographics Supplemental Info 3 table for emergency contact information and a custom view named Emergency_Contacts was created. Fields were added to the Demographics Supplemental Info 4 table to keep track of student awards and a custom view named Awards was created.


3.   Select the student you wish to add a record to. 

4.   Click the Add button on the data entry screen you opened. 

5.   A blank record will display the first time you enter the view for each student: 

6.   Fill in the data entry boxes.

7.   Click  on the data entry screen to which you added the record to save the record.

8.   To add additional records, click the button on the data entry screen.

9.   Fill in the data entry boxes.

10. Click  on the data entry screen to which you added the record to save the record.


NOTE:  Clicking the  button at the top of the screen will save changes made on all open data entry views.

Student Information – Add Demographics Supplemental Info

1.   Open Data Entry & Changes |Student Information

2.   Click the Entry Options dropdown

3.   Choose the Demographics_Supplemental table you added fields to or the custom view you created.

In this example, custom fields were added to the Demographics Supplemental Info 3 table for emergency contact information and a custom view named Emergency_Contacts was created. Fields were added to the Demographics Supplemental Info 4 table to keep track of student awards and a custom view named Awards was created.

5. A blank record will display the first time you enter the view for each student:

6. Click the file folder on the blank record to open it.

7. Edit the record as necessary and click to save.

8. To add additional records, click the green to open a new blank record.

9. Enter data and click to save. 


Printing Demographics Supplemental Info

The following reports can be found in Reports |Student Reports by clicking on ~Quick View Reports~ at the top of the Report Groups list:  

     Swb_sup_1.rpt – written with the default fields from the Demographics_Supplemental_1 table

     Swb_sup_2.rpt– written with the default fields from the Demographics_Supplemental_2 table

     Swb_sup_3.rpt– written with the default fields from the Demographics_Supplemental_3 table

     Swb_sup_4.rpt– written with the default fields from the Demographics_Supplemental_4 table

Users can use these reports to create a Quick View report from the Demographics_Supplemental table. For instructions on creating Quick View reports, search this document for “Quick Reports (View Design Display Export)”.

These reports can also be customized to have the custom fields added to them, if desired. Clients may customize the reports themselves using Crystal Reports software or the reports may be customized by SDS staff. Please submit a support request to have a report customized by our staff.