Discipline Notification Setup

Revised 8/8/2018


The Discipline Notification feature allows you to set up your SDS system to notify selected administrators via e-mail of certain discipline infractions entered on students by teachers. 



The first step in the setup of the Discipline Notification System is adding e-mail addresses to the administrators' teacher codes.  Go to Data Entry and Changes | Master File and Code File Entry and Changes.  Set the Application drop box value to General Information, and set the Entry Options drop box value to Teachers.  For each administrator, be sure the e-mail field is completed with the correct e-mail address.

The e-mail settings must also be completed.  For instructions on e-mail settings

The third step is the discipline notification system must be turned "on" for this area to be visible to use.  To find those directions, and look in the Discipline section.

Define E-mails

Once the notification system has been turned on, this menu option is available in the Administrative Utilities area. 

On the left is a list of all users (teacher codes) in the system.  Place a check mark next to the people who are to get the notifications for discipline entries.  Note: the intent is to notify the administrators (principal, assistant principal, dean of students, etc.).

The middle column allows you to select which infraction(s) code(s) will send a notification to the administrators.  Place a check mark in front of the appropriate infraction(s) about which you want the administration to be notified.

When all selections have been made, click the http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/RightArrow.png next to "Notify" so your selections are saved.

The last step to the setup of the Notification System for Discipline is to create the wording of the actual e-mails sent to the administrators chosen above. Click the E-mail Setup link above the column of infraction codes.

Subject: customize the subject line of the e-mail being sent to the administrator(s)
Body: customize the body of the message being sent to the administrator(s)
Available Fields: select fields from the discipline area to display in the email being sent to the administrator(s); use the http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/RightArrow.png to move the selected field(s) to the Fields to Include in E-mail column.
Click the http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/SaveIcon.pngbutton to save your setup of the e-mail.

As shown below, essentially each infraction code could have its own subject, message body, and selected fields associated with it.


When finished with the setup, click the Close E-mail Setup link in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

What Happens Now


When a teacher enters a discipline entry for a student, upon saving the entry, the administrator(s) will be notified with the appropriate e-mail. This will help the administrator know what has happened and what needs his/her immediate attention.

For instructions on using Discipline Entry in Teacher Web,