Discipline Policies Selection Criteria Setup

Revised 8/15/2018

Policies designed for discipline will work off of the Infraction code and/or Penalty Code in the Discipline table. When running the policy, you will specify an Activity Date Range and an Evaluation Date Range. The system will look at the field “infraction date” and check for matching records for the Activity Date Range entered. It will then look at the records within the Evaluation Date Range for the student with the specified infraction code/s.

Setup Screen for Discipline Policy

Description of Discipline Query Builder Selections

     Infraction Codes Drop down: To send a letter for specific infractions, use this box to choose the appropriate code(s).  Otherwise, leave it blank.

     Selected Infraction Codes: Displays the infraction codes you picked from the Infraction Codes drop down list above.

     Action Penalty Drop down: To send a letter for specific penalties, use this box to choose the appropriate code(s). Otherwise, leave it blank.

     Selected Action Penalty Codes: Displays the penalty codes you selected from the Action Penalty Codes drop down list above.

     # Occurrences: = Use this option to send a letter based on the number of times a student has committed the selected infraction(s) and/or received the selected penalty(ies).

     # Points: Use this option to send a letter based on the number of demerit points a student has accumulated.

     School Location: Select the school location of the students who should receive this letter.

     Click the Save Selection Criteria button to save your selections to the selection criteria box above.