DOE-SPN (School Personnel Number)

1.  SPN – match to the SPN field in the Teachers table.

2.  Employee Last Name - match to the field last name in the Teachers table.

3.  Employee First Name – match to the field first name in the Teachers table.

4.  Employee Middle Name – match to the field middle name initial in the Teachers table.

5.  Employee name suffix – match to the field employee name suffix in the Teachers table.

6.  Birth date – match to the field birth date in the Teachers table.

7.  Last 4 SSN -  match to the field social sec number in the Teachers table.

8.  Ethnicity – match to the field ethnic code in the Teachers table.

9.  Gender – match to the field sex_code in the Teachers table.

10. Local assigned id - match to the field teacher code in the Teachers table.

11. Email - match to the field email in the Teachers table.

12. Institution of initial license - match to the field Baccalaureate degree institution in the Teachers table.*

13. Content area of initial license - match to the field Content area of initial license in the Teachers field**

*This field needs to be added to your view "Teachers with SPN" in your master file area.

**This field needs to be added to your Teachers table and added to the view "Teachers with SPN" in your master file area.

When sending the data to the state for this report, be sure to create a selection formula where the SPN is not equal to null.  That way you only send those who have an SPN in your system and not include all the security groups.  If a teacher has retired or left your corporation, either delete that teacher's code from your system or enter an exit date on the teacher in the Leave field.