E-Mail Settings

Revised 7/20/2020

Step 1 – Enter Email Addresses

Make sure that you have e-mail addresses entered in Data Entry and Changes |Student Information |Entry = Demographics All Fields.  SDS provides a default field named Master eMail. You may use a custom field(s) for e-mail addresses, if desired. However, all fields for e-mail addresses must have the word email in the field name. For instructions on adding custom fields, |topic=Add Field Control;displayasbutton=true

If you have not yet entered e-mail addresses in demographics and would like to create a new view with just the e-mail fields for faster entry, you can do this in Administrative Utilities |Data View Definitions.  For instructions on using Data View Definition,

Step 2 – Setup E-mail Settings

After you have entered in all the master emails, enter into |Administrative Utilities |SDS Web Office Settings. Select the E-Mail Settings circle. There are three areas that must be filled out at the top of the screen.

1. Server Name or IP = Enter the external full DNS name or external IP address of the SDS Web Office Server. This address will be used for the URDL in the e-mail that is sent (if applicable) (i.e.

2. SMTP Server = Enter the name or IP address of your SMTP Server. This address will be used by SDS Web Office to send e-mails. Make sure the SDS Web Office Server has permissions to relay e-mail through this server (i.e.

3. Return E-mail Address = enter a valid e-mail address to be put in the “From:” field in the sent e-mail (i.e. jdoe@yourschool.com).


4. In the bottom part of the screen, choose the E-Mail fields from the dropdowns that you want available for selection in the E-mail Center

     Enter a Description for each of them.

     Checkmark Office if you want the e-mail field available in the Web School Office E-mail Center.

     Checkmark Teacherweb if you want the email field available in the Teacher Web E-mail Center.


5. Click the Save Changes button


Step 3 – User Security

To turn access to the E-Mail Center on or off for an office user:

     Open Administrative Utilities |Security-Application and Data Access.

     Search for a user (or user group). For detailed information on searching for a user or group,

     In the No Access column of the All Applications area of the screen, click on E-mail Center and click the button to move E-mail Center to the Access column.


     In the No Access column of the Views area of the screen, click on District E-mail and click the button to move District E-mail to the Access column.


To turn access to the E-Mail Center on or off for a teacher:

     Open Administrative Utilities |Security-Application and Data Access.

     Search for a user (or user group).

     In the No Access column of the Views area of the screen, click on District E-mail and click the button to move District E-mail to the Access column.



NOTE:  If District E-Mail is removed from Access for a teacher or teacher group, the E-mail Center will still be listed in the Entry Options in Teacher Web for the teacher(s) but when it opens, the options will not be available for use. 






You can use logical operations: AND, OR, NOT. Examples: football OR hockey, sports AND NOT baseball