E-mail Student Grade/Progress Reports

Revised 5/18/2018

A custom Grade/Progress Report is required in order to e-mail report cards. Please contact SDS Support to have the custom report created for you. http://sc.schooloffice.com/Supportconnect/   

Once the custom Grade/Progress Report is in place, here are the things you need to have set up:

The student must have an email address entered in the Master_E-mail field in Demographics. This is entered in Data Entry & Changes |Student Information |Entry Options=Demographics All Fields. The report card can be customized to e-mail to as many as 9 email address fields from Demographics. An example would be a second guardian e-mail field.

The person sending the reports must have an email address in the E-Mail field of the Teachers table. This is entered in Data Entry & Changes |Master File & Code File Entry |Application=General Information |Entry Options=Teachers.

The Email Settings in Administrative Utilities |SDS Web Office Settings must be correct. The return email address entered here will auto-fill into the From line of the email you create.

The steps to e-mail the report cards are as follows:

     Run the report card.

     Click Export Report to Message Center. Click “Send Now”. The message says “Report has been sent to message center”.

     Click Close Report. This takes you to Message Center where the report is listed.

     Click the To: dropdown and choose the export you just created.

     The email address(es) must be moved to the right box. (All of your students Master Emails will display in the left hand box. You can click the >> button to move them all to the right hand box)

     Click the icon to “Send E-Mail”.