End of Year Adjustments

Report: EOY Adjustment (Student Interchange)

Description of Report Fields

School District/BOCES Code
– A unique code assigned to a district by CDE.

Student's State ID (SASID) – A unique ten digit number must be assigned to each student by CDE.

School Code – A unique code assigned by CDE to a school building.

Student’s First Name – A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.

Student’s Last Name – The name borne in common by members of a family.

Student’s Gender - An individual's sex.

Student’s Date of Birth
– The month, day, and year on which an individual was born (i.e. 09151989).

Adjustment Justification Codes

     00 - Not Applicable – No adjustment

     41 – Dropouts. Request for transcripts received.

     42 – Dropouts. Student received GED from an educational program not administered by reporting

     51 – Expulsions. Student received GED from an educational program not administered by reporting

     52 – Expulsions. Student received GED from an educational program not administered by reporting district.

     71 – External GED Programs. Student received GED from an educational program not administered by reporting

     72 – External GED Programs. Student received GED from an educational program not administered by reporting district.

Adjustment School Code – The four-digit code for the school the student was attending when s/he dropped out, was expelled, or transferred to an external GED program.

Adjustment School Year – The 4-digit school year in which the student was reported as a dropout or expulsion (example: School year 2007-2008 would be entered as 2008). Adjustment school year cannot be equal to the currently reported school year.


To create your report for the state.

     Complete the Basic Report Information

Click the Basic Report Information button to open the basic information area.

Complete all the boxes with the appropriate information

Click the Save Report Changes button to save changes made to the report setup.

     Select the records you wish to include in your report.

     Click the Data Selections Option (A to Z) button at the top of the screen.

To setup a selection for current seniors records:

§ Choose the Demgraphics table

§ Choose the Grade_Yearfield

§ Highlight the correct grade_year (i.e. 12)

§ Click the right pointing arrow button to move the value to box #4

§ Choose a Record Selection Option “is in list”)

§ Click the Add to Sort Definition button to save your sort.

Setup and save additional selections as desired.

To include only current students, click the blue link “Adjust Selection to Include Only Active Students”

     Create your export file.

Click the Create Export File button at the top of the screen.

Read the message and write down the name of the file it tells you to rename the exported file to.

Click OK on the message and save the file to your desired folder.