Revised 10/26/2018
In Data Entry & Changes|Student Maintenance|Processing Options, the Family Addresses option allows a user to make an address change on one student in a family and apply the change to other students in the family.
1) For this function to work properly, the following is necessary:
2) The process to assign the family id must be run at least one time in the Control Center before this option will be available.
i) Go to Administrative Utilities|Control Center|System Adjustments.
ii) Scroll down to the Assign Family ID to student with same home phone option.
iv) Click the Assign Now button.
v) Click OK on the message when the process is complete.
3) The program will assign Family Id on new students upon entry based on the Home Phone number entered, so there is no need to use the button in the control center to update the Family Id once it has been primed.
4) All students in the family must have the Home Phone entered exactly the same way in order to be identified as a family. If one student has 222-555-1234 in the Home Phone field and their siblings have (222)-555-1234, the students won’t be identified as a family when the Family ID process is run.
To use the Family Addresses option when updating address data for families:
1) Search for one of the students you want to make an address change on.
2) Edit the student’s address fields, as necessary.
3) Click on Processing Options|Family Addresses.
4) The Update Family Addresses screen will open above the data entry views and list the other students with the same Family ID as the selected student.
Checkmark each of the students you want to apply the address to from the
selected student or click thebutton to
select all of the listed students.
6) Click
the button at the top of the
7) The address data from the selected student is applied to the check marked students.