Grade Entry

The Marking Period Grades area offers the ability to manually add/edit grades, enter comments from a predesigned list, enter individual student notes, and print reports.

Click the “Marking Period Grades” button or hover over the “Entry Options” button on the left and click on Marking Period Grades.

Before you begin grade entry, click on the Settings button on the toolbar. This display allows you to design the screen display size and select whether or not to display inactive students. There are other options on this screen that will be discussed later in this document.

Enter/Edit Marking Period Grades

Close the Settings screen by clicking the Hide and Save Settings button. Select a class from the next screen by clicking on the blue link under Course Description or Period to begin entering grades.

A new window will open with your class list and grade screen for that class.

Click in the appropriate marking period column box for the selected student and key the desired grade. Note that if a grade is entered that is not in the approved grade code list, when the SAVE button is clicked, the screen the column box with the invalid grade will turn red and will not save.

If the grade entered is valid but in lower case, the grade will display and save in upper case.

Some schools allow teachers to enter “Notes to Parents” that can be included on report cards. This is free-form field gives you the ability to type the note you wish to convey to the parents.

Note 1: Your school administration may chose not to make these notes available to parents on the report card but they will be viewable by parents on Parent Connect.

Note 2: If a student’s name is listed in Red a message entered by the office will display in a dropdown box. See the note for the first student in the class list below. The office has sent a note to her teacher that she is to take the IEP test in Resource Room.

If comment codes are part of the school grade area setup, the entry screen will have column(s) titled Cm. Comment code numbers are entered in these columns. To see a list of comment codes approved by your school, click the Settings button at the top of the screen then click the link Show Comment Code Descriptions Now. Your list will display on the left.

When all entries are completed, click “Save” or “Save and Close”. Clicking the X or Log Off button in the upper right hand corner will close the screen but will NOT save any entries made.