Health Reports

Below are the main Health reports with a brief description for each.

Chronic Student Condition Report: List of Chronic Conditions as reported in the Health Log along with the number of cases known at the beginning of school and the number of new cases per month. Note that this report is generated by the Health Log and not Health Records. If Health Log is not utilized, the report will be blank.

Health Activity Analysis: List of conditions and the number of entries per condition. Information comes from Health Log and not Health Records.

Health Activity Log Report: Report listing the students and the number of times they have been seen and for what conditions they have been seen for the specified date range. Information comes from Health Log and not Health Records.

Health Analysis: Report on each student listing all standard Health Records field information. Note that any custom fields added by individual schools will not be shown on this report. This report includes Health Activity Log records, as well, for the date range selected.

Health Services & Activities: Tally of health services (Activity Type=S) within a selected date range subtotaled by Public (Current Students) and Non-Public (Exited Students). Information comes from Health Log and not Health Records.

Missing Health Data Report: Report listing student name and what health fields are blank (missing) on that student. Useful when making sure that students have required immunizations.

School Injury / Serious Injury Reports: Tally of injuries as reported in the Health Log.

Student Physical List: List of student names and the Activities they are participating in along with their last Physical Date. Useful for assuring that athletes have up to date physicals as entered in Health Records. Note that the information comes from both the Activities and Health Records areas.