Honor Roll Definition Setup Steps

1.  Click on Data Entry & Changes | Master File & Code File Entry & Changes.

2.  Application (Drop Down) = Grade Reporting.

3.  Entry Options (Drop Down) = Honor Roll Definition Setup.

4.  Click on http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/Plus_Sign.pngto define a new honor roll.

5.  School Location (Drop Down) = Select the appropriate school location.

6.  Honor Roll Number = Assign a number value to Honor Roll (e.g. Honor Roll 1, 2 3, etc.).  Each location that will run honor rolls should have their honor rolls defined.  Each location can use honor roll numbers beginning with 1 then 2,3 etc.. 

7.  Honor Roll Short Description: Assign an abbreviation for Honor Roll (e.g., HH for High Honors).

8.  Honor Roll Description = Enter the Name of the Honor Roll.

9.  Lowest Value = Enter the lowest GPA value that student may receive and still be included in this Honor Roll.

10. Highest Value = Enter the highest GPA value that student may receive and be included in this Honor Roll.

Note that the lowest value of the higher honor roll must be higher than the highest value of the next honor roll. For example, if the lowest value of honor roll #1 is 3.65, the highest value of honor roll #2 cannot be higher than 3.6499999.

11. Drop Down = True or False. Certain grades can exclude a student from an honor roll (see the following “exclude” items).   If a student is excluded from an honor roll by one of these grades, they can optionally be dropped to the next highest honor roll, if one is available.  Type "True" in this field to allow for this option.  Type "false" if the student should not be put on the next honor roll but simply excluded.  

12. Exclude Grades Less than = If you are using numeric grades and want to exclude students with lower than a certain grade value, enter that value here.  Otherwise, leave it at 0.

13. Exclude Letter Grade 1 = Enter the first letter grade value to be excluded. (e.g., “B+”)

14. Letter Grade 1 Total: Enter 1 or 2 or however many “B’s” are to be counted to exclude students from this Honor Roll.

15. Continue to the next “Exclude Letter Grade 2” & “Letter Grade 2 Total” fields and enter the next grade value to be exclude (B), (B-), (C), etc., until all values below a desired letter grade and appropriate totals have been entered.

16. Click http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/SaveIcon.pngto save your work.