How to Handle Gradebook Grades for Section Changes or New Students

Added 6/27/2018


Once school is in full swing, teachers are faced with the question of how to enter grades in their grade book for new students.


If the student is transferring from one section of a class to a different section but is not a new student, the teacher whose class the student is leaving should print a progress report which shows all assignments, points possible, and points earned for the student. The receiving teacher can then either enter the grades for each assignment into the new gradebook or enter the percentages as outlined below if the sending gradebook has different assignments. This is the procedure even if the student is staying with the same teacher but moving to a different section.


If the student is a student new to the school and not just transferring sections, the teacher will most likely get a numeric grade or perhaps a letter grade for that student from the previous school. If the new teacher has “weighted” categories in their grade book, they should add an assignment worth 100 points in each of the categories and make the column heading Transfer Student. Next give the student the percentage that corresponds to the grade being sent from the previous school in each assignment column for the various categories.


For example, if the teacher has 6 weighted categories and the student transfers in with an overall grade of 89%, the teacher will add 6 assignment columns – one for each category. Each assignment column will be worth 100 points and the student will receive 89 in each of the 6 assignment columns. No current student will receive any grade in any of these 6 assignments. These assignments are to be used for any new student(s). The teacher also has the option of not showing these Transfer assignments on Parent Connect. That will eliminate calls from parents who don’t understand why their student didn’t get graded in these assignment columns.


If the new teacher does not “weight” the categories (each category is worth 0 in the setup) then the teacher can create one new assignment column worth 100 points in any one of the categories and add the percentage that corresponds to the grade being sent from the previous school. In this case, it is not necessary to create multiple assignment columns for each category since the categories are not weighted.


Once the percentage grade(s) are entered into the assignment(s), be sure to save and calculate the new student’s grade. The grade should now be the same in the new class grade book as the grade sent from the previous school.