How to Print Statements in Tuition/Fee Processing

Revised 9/18/2018


1.  Click on the Reports folder

2.  Click on Student Reports

3.  In box 1 (report groups) select Tuition/fees

4.  In box 2, select one of the statement formats (there are 4 formats and the family statement)

Format 1: shows the basic information about the student and the charges/payments on his/her account.

Format 2:  shows the basic information about the student and the charges/payments on his/her account.

§ Charges are broken down by semester.

Format 3:  shows the basic information about the student and the charges/payments on his/her account.

§ Charges are broken down by semester.

§ Reference numbers are included to show which payments paid which charges.

Format 4:  shows the basic information about the student and the charges/payments on his/her account.

§ Charges are broken down by semester.

§ The check number shows on this report.

§ You are also asked for a date range; check the no lower value option & select today’s date as the ending date.

§ You can also use a feature in the Mass Assignment of Charges Area (point 4) to roll all charges/payments/credits into a Balance Forward line. This reduces the amount of detail that prints on the statement, thus showing how much was owed prior to the current month.

Family:  shows the basic information for a family and each student's fees appear as a section of the statement.

§ In order to print statements by family, all students in a family must have the same value entered in the demographics field “family_id.”

§ For instructions on assigning family id’s

§ For more information on processing payments by family, “Fees, Adjustments and Payments” and read the “Payment by Family” setup.

5.  Click the Activate Sort Definition button if you need to select only a specific group of students to print (i.e. only seniors).

6.  Two questions need answered:

a.  Open balance?:  If you answer open balance only, then only statements for students who owe you money or have a credit balance will be printed.  Your other option is to print statements for ALL students (even those with a zero balance).

b.  Display memo?: If you answer to display the memo, then the information you entered “Adding Messages to the Report” will print on the statement also.

7.  Click the printer button in the upper left hand corner to send the report to your printer.


How to Print a Single Student's Statement

1.  Click on Tuition/Fee Processing | Fee Adjustments and Payments

2.  Click on a Student’s Name

3.  Select the Statement format from the dropdown.

4.  Click to preview.

5.  Print or Export.