Illinois Transportation Reports

Revised 11/28/2018


Transportation reports are available to show the total enrollment numbers for the students riding the bus. There are 4 different reports. Each report has a column for Over 1.5 miles, Hazard, and Under 1.5 miles.

     Year End Transportation Report Detail (swb_trans1.rpt)

     Lists students alphabetically with enrollment days under the appropriate category with totals at the end.

     Year End Transportation Report Summary (swb_trans2.rpt)

     Lists the ending enrollment day totals for each category.

     Year End Bus Report Detail (swb_trans3.rpt)

     Lists the students by bus number showing enrollment days under each category for each bus number with subtotals and grand totals at the end.

     Year End Bus Report Summary (swb_trans4.rpt)

     Lists the subtotals for each bus number under each category and grand totals at the end.


Special Fields
To use these reports, two fields need to be in the demographics table, Bus_Number and Transportation_Code. If you don’t already have these fields in your demographics table and don’t know how to search this document for “Add Field Control”

Data in the Special Fields
Enter the student’s bus number in the Bus_Number field.
Enter the following codes in the Transportation_Code field:

FO for over 1.5 miles
HZ for hazard
WU for walk, under

Data Entry Required to Report Student Transportation Status Changes
SDS has added an entry screen that will allow you to enter any previous transportation code information for students along with the dates during which these were active. The reports will access this information and split the days enrolled during the school year between the different transportation codes for these students.

An entry must be made through this screen if a student was classified with more than one transportation code during the school year. For example, John Jones was a walker from the start of school, August 15, 2018, until October 1, 2018. On that date, the transportation code on his demographic record was changed from WU (walker) to HZ (Hazardous). To preserve the dates that John was a walker, an entry must be made with the transportation code WU and start date 08/15/2018 and end date 09/30/2018.

     Under Administrative Utilities select Master Code Field Definitions

From the table dropdown select transportation_changes

Code fields start_date and end_date by selecting “use calendar”

Code field transportation_code by clicking the “Save/Add Code table entry”

     Under Data Entry and Changes select Student Information

From the Entry Options dropdown select transportation changes

Click add a record for each student as needed

Running the Reports
Make sure all necessary data has been entered on students as outlined above.

Refresh attendance totals.

     Processing Center |Refresh Attendance Analysis

     Choose School Location or All Locations from dropdown

     Enter first day of school in the Beginning Date box

     Enter the last day of school in the Ending Date box

     Click the Refresh Attendance Analysis button and wait for a message that the process is complete

Run the reports.

     Reports |Student Reports |Report Group = State

     Click on the desired Year End report

     Click the magnifying glass to preview the report

     Click the printer button to print the displayed report