Indiana CC Report

Revised 11/29/2018

SDS has designed a Crystal report to create a file for submission to the Indiana DOE.

The report is located in Reports |Student Reports |State |Indiana DOE-CC. 

Following is a layout and brief explanation, if needed, for each field to be reported.
The fields are listed in order of State Field - SDS table - SDS field.

1. School Number - Demographics - School_Location 
    This is the state assigned code and will already be entered in SDS.

2. Class ID - CourseMaster - Course_Sec_Sem 
    All courses in the coursemaster have this code in place.

3. STN - Demographics - State_Testing_No 
    State assigned testing number for each student.
    Note: Be sure to select the field where YOU store the STN data as your field name may differ from state_testing_no.

4. Course Completion Status - GradeCodes - State_Pass_Fail_Code 
    This is a new field in the SDS Grade Code setup. Each passing grade must have a 1 entered in this field.
    Each failing grade must have a 2 entered in this field.

5. Course Grade - Transcript_Detail - Grade 
    This field will only be reported if the grade is in the range of 0.0 -4.0.
    This field is not mandatory for the CC report, so it is not reported if not in the range.

6. Dual Credit - Transcript_Detail - Dual_Credit 
    This is a field in Transcript Detail entry.

     If the student received high school and college credit for this course, enter “Y” in this field for each course in which the student earned dual credit. Otherwise leave this field blank.

     If this is a middle school or elementary school class (the field sequence_code__c135 <> “Y”) then “A” is reported.

     The default is “N”.

     NOTE: for middle school or elementary schools, use any letter but the “N” so that your courses will print on the transcripts and transcript labels and use any letter but “Y” so that the report will use an “A” for this field.

     NOTE: This data must be entered on the students’ transcripts individually by course.

7. Post-Secondary Institution - Transcript_Detail - Post_Secondary_Institution
    This is a field in the SDS Transcript Detail entry.
    If the student received college credit for this course, enter the 2 digit state assigned code for the institution in this field.

8. High School Credits Earned - Transcript_Detail - Credit 
    If the field Sequence_Code_C135 = “Y” or a blank, then the value in the Credit field will be reported.
    If Sequence_Code_c135 has any other letter (besides a space), it will result in the value of “9.0”.

Where to Enter Data in Report Fields

Report field #4
 (Course Completion Status)
Master File and Code File Entry | Application: Grade Reporting | Entry Option: Marking Period Grade Codes | Field: State_Pass_Fail_Code

Report Field #6 – Student Information | Application: Transcript Detail Indiana | Field: Dual Credit.

Report Field #7 – Student Information | Application: Transcript Detail Indiana | Field: Post-Secondary Institution.

Creating the Export File

Step 1:
Select the report from the menu and press the preview button to display the report results to the Crystal Reports Viewer.

Step 2:
Once the report data is fully processed, press the export button.

From the dropdown select the latest version of Microsoft Excel and click OK to create the Excel file.
When the export is complete it will display the option to SAVE the report. Assign a file name and save it to your preferred drive/folder.

Step 3: Open Excel from your desktop and select the file that you created above.
You can now save this Excel file to CSV to create a report to submit to the Indiana DOE.