Indiana CP Report

Please update to receive this report and the fields necessary for the report.

The report is listed in Reports/Student Reports category “State”. The report listing is Indiana DOE-CP. Following is a layout and brief explanation, if needed, for each field to be reported.  The layout first lists the State Field (i.e. Corp Number), then the SDS table (i.e. Z_District_Information) and finaly the SDS field (i.e. District_ID).

1.  Corp Number - Z_District_Information - District_ID

            This is the state assigned code and should already be entered in SDS.

2.  School Number  - Teachers - School_Location*       

Make sure the state assigned school code is the same as the school location code assigned to each teacher.

3.  School Personnel Number - Teachers - SPN

Enter the state assigned SPN code to every teacher/employee to be reported.  If no SPN is entered, the person will not be included in the report.

4.  Subject - CourseCodes - State_Course_Code

SDS has provided instructions in Help Console for importing these codes to the SDS database and for matching the codes to the SDS course codes.

Note: a class MUST have a state course code to be included in the report.

5.  Class ID - CourseMaster - Course_Sec_Sem

            All courses in the coursemaster have this code in place.

6.  Special Education Classroom Settings - CourseMaster - Teacher_Code_Class_Setting**          

Allowable codes 0-7.   See the Indiana DOE website for code descriptions.

7.  Special Education Area - CourseCodes - Special_Course_Consideration_Code

If this is a Special Education course then the area of specialization must be entered.  Allowable values are 6000-6034.  Refer to the DOE Subject and Level Code list page 30.

8.  Highly Qualified Teacher - CourseMaster  - Teacher_Code_HQ**

Allowable codes 0-9.  See the Indiana DOE website for code descriptions.

9.  Class Taught by Two or More Teachers CourseMaster  - Taught_by_two_or_more_teachers

Allowable codes 0-2.   See the Indiana DOE website for code descriptions.

Special Instructions


Every teacher/employee to be reported must be entered in the Teachers table in SDS. 


*A school location must be assigned to teachers.  The report will default to ‘0000” if no school_location is entered.  This default code indicates a non-teaching employee.


If a class section is taught by more than one teacher, any additional teacher codes must be entered in the new fields provided in the course master.  The new fields are teacher_code_1, teacher_code_2, teacher_code_3 and teacher_code_4.  If the current teacher code on a report is a “Team” code that does not refer to a specific individual, leave that code in place and enter the individual teacher codes in the new fields.


** Fields are provided for each teacher teaching the course (as described in the preceding paragraph). 


All fields are required except for field #7 which is only required for Special Education courses. 


Creating the Export File


Select the report from the menu and press the preview button to display the report results.

Once the report data is fully processed, press the export button.

From the dropdown select “Microsoft Excel 97-2000 (Data Only XLS)” and click OK to create the Excel file. When the export is complete it will display the option to SAVE the report. Assign a file name and save it to your preferred drive/folder.

Open Excel from your desktop and select the file that you created above. There will be 9 columns of data for each record. You may see empty rows in the file. These need to be removed. To do so, highlight all 9 columns and click the sort button. 

After sorting the file will no longer have the empty rows.

After sorting the file will no longer have the empty rows.

You can now save this Excel file to CSV to create a report to submit to the Indiana DOE.