Indicate on Grade/Progress Reports that students are Promoted or Retained

Question: How do I indicate on Grade/Progress Reports that students are promoted or retained? 

Answer: There are a couple of ways of doing this.

1.  Enter WSO and click on Data Entry & Changes |Master File and Code File Entry |Application=Grade Reporting |Entry Options=Marking Period Grade Comments, set up a comment code with a description of Promoted and another comment code with a description of Retained. When teachers enter grades, they can enter either the promoted or retained comment code in one of the Cm (comment) grade areas on each student. For elementary buildings, just the homeroom teacher would need to enter the codes on their students in just one of their subjects. In a junior high or middle school, you could have the teachers enter the codes in just one class that all students take. For example, have all Reading teachers enter the codes on all students in their reading classes.

2.  Use a field in Demographics that your school is not currently entering data into (or create a new field) to enter a code of R on students being retained.

Before printing Grade/Progress Reports, go into Data Entry & Changes |Student Information |Application=General Information |Entry Options=School Location Messages and enter a message in the Grade Report box to print on grade/progress reports of students being retained. Save the message. Then run Grade/Progress Reports setting up a sort on the field you entered the R into for records = R. For example, if you entered the R into the Misc Group field, you would set up a sort for Misc Group is equal to R. This will print the reports for the retained students with the retained message you entered in the grade reports message box.

Then go back to Data Entry & Changes |Student Information |Application=General Information |Entry Options=School Location Messages and enter a message in the Grade Report box to print on grade/progress reports of students being promoted. Save the message. Then run Grade/Progress Reports setting up a sort on the field you entered the R into for record is NOT equal to R. For example, if you entered the R into the Misc Group field, you would set up a sort for Misc Group is NOT equal to R. This will print the reports for the promoted students with the promoted message you entered in the grade reports message box.

3.  If printing the Standards Based report cards, this feature is built into the process.  To indicate that a student has been promoted, then grade year value in the Demographics field called NY Grade Year must be greater than the value in the Demographics Grade Year field.  To update the students in mass, go to Scheduling | Prepare the Next Year Scheduling Area.  Run steps 5 and 7 to copy the current year grade year to the next year grade year field and advance the next year grade year by 1 grade.  For students who will be retained, you must manually adjust their next year grade year to the grade year into which they are being retained.  Lastly, when printing the Standards Based report cards, answer True to print the promotion/retention information, and the proper words will appear.