Kindergarten Roundup

The months of May and June are a good time to do a "kindergarten roundup". You don’t want to have to wait until August to enter those new students. Go ahead and enter them now!

Make sure that you enter the Current Year Active as 1 and Next Year Active as 0 so that they won’t be included in this year’s reports, but will become active when the Prepare to Open School process is completed. You will also need to make sure that the School Location and Next Year School Location fields are completed. Enter the Grade Year as the value you use for pre-kindergarten (i.e. PK or 14) and the Next Year Grade Year as the value you use for Kindergarten (i.e. K or 15). As always, enter as much information about the student as you possibly can so that you don’t have missing information when you try to run reports on these students next year.

Since you are using WSO there is no longer a need to wait until the school year is over to put students into their next year homeroom. As soon as you have your homeroom lists for next year you can enter that information into the NY Home Room field in Student Information. Once the NY Home Room information is entered, get a head start on elementary scheduling!  Web School Office allows for Elementary Scheduling in the Next Year area.

When the Prepare to Open process is completed the NY Home Room will move to the Home Room field and the scheduling done in the next year process will move to the current year area.