Linking Courses

The Purpose of Course Links
Course links ensure that a student will receive a specific sequence of courses based on the assignment of one “primary/lead” course code during the registration process. The “link” option is used when students are to remain together from one course section to another. Different schools use linking to accomplish different results. One school may use linking to keep students in learning groups throughout the day. Other schools may link as a means to schedule courses that rotate on a quarterly basis.

Option 1: Linking teams or learning groups.

Scenario: All of the freshmen are to take Algebra I both semester 1 and semester 2. The students are to remain together within sections. There are three different sections.

Course Codes:
Algebra 1/Semester 1 = 101 A
Algebra 1/Semester 2 = 101 B

Course Master:
101A /01/1 Linked to 101B/01/2
101A/02/1 Linked to 101B/02/2
101A/03/1 Linked to 101B/03/2

The students are registered for 101A only. Depending on other registration requests the system will assign students to section 1, 2 or 3 of the 1st semester Algebra 1 class (101A) and it will also keep them within the same section for 2nd semester (101B).

Option 2: Linking courses that rotate on a quarterly basis.
Scenario: All 7th grade students rotate through exploratory courses each quarter. There are four different rotations. There are 4 different groups.

Group 1 (Red Team) is going to take:
Computers 1st Quarter
Life Skills 2nd Quarter
Art 3rd Quarter
Health 4th Quarter

Group 2 (Blue Team) is going to take:
Life Skill 1st Quarter
Art 2nd Quarter
Health 3rd Quarter
Computers 4th Quarter

Group 3 (Yellow Team) is going to take:
Art 1st Quarter
Health 2nd Quarter
Computers 3rd Quarter
Life Skills 4th Quarter

Group 4 (Green Team) is going to take:
Health 1st Quarter
Computers 2nd Quarter
Life Skills 3rd Quarter
Art 4th Quarter

Course Codes:
Exploratory Course (Computers) 701
Exploratory Course (Life Skills) 702
Exploratory Course (Art) 703
Exploratory Course (Health) 704

Course Master:
Red Team 701/ 01/ 1 Linked to 702/01/1 703/01/2 704/01/ 2
Blue Team 702/ 02/ 1 Linked to 703/02/1 704/02/2 701/02/ 2
Yellow Team 703/ 03/ 1 Linked to 704/03/1 701/03/2 702/03/ 2
Green Team 704/ 04/1 Linked to 701/04/1 702/04/ 2 703/04/ 2


1.  There are a total of 15 fields that may be used to link courses together.

2.  Courses are linked only one way.

3.  Do not attempt to type the linked course in the field, but rather select it from the drop down list of course offerings.

4.  Students are only registered for the primary course code. Do not register them for the courses listed in the “Link_Course” fields.

5.  During the schedule run the system will pick up all linked courses.


The “link” option is used when students are to remain together from one course section to another.