Mailing Labels for Next Year Students

Do you need to send mail to students who will be enrolled in your building next year?

If so, there is a report called "Mailing Label - One Per Student Next Year Report".  This report will print a mailing label for each student with 0 in the Next Year Active field and a value in the NY School Location field that matches the School Location field on the user’s id. Many schools find this report helpful to print mailing labels to send home correspondence such as registration information for students attending next year.

Before running this report remember you can use the "Activate Sort Definition" button to select a specific group of students. For instance, if you want to mail something to only girls enrolled in your school next year, you would set up a sort for Sex=F. 

To run the report enter WSO and follow these steps:

1.  Click on the + next to Reports, and click on Student Reports.

2.  Click on the report group Scheduling - Next Year.

3.  Click on the report Mailing Label – One Per Student Next Year.

4.  Click on the "Activate Sort Definition" button to filter any groups

5.  Click on the preview button at the top of the screen to view your report.

For more next year instructions you can search for the Next Year Registration and Schedule Changes and Next Year Reports documents.